Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i'm pregnant!

thought i'd start this blog off with the obvious... i'm pregnant!! dave and i are so excited about this, and we can't tell anyone, so we decided to start this blog to have somewhere to store our thoughts.

i found out last friday evening, the 25th of april. i had been having bad headaches and feeling what i thought was bloated, so i actually thought i was pmsing. come friday i decided to take the test, just to see... and i got a positive. took it again in the morning and i was still pregnant! dave and were bouncing off the walls, but we couldn't tell a soul. i'm nervous, and want to get through most of the first trimester before telling family and friends. if something happens, i just don't want to have to explain it to everyone.

so far, i'm feeling so-so... i'm getting bad migraines, which is always a real issue. hopefully going for more acupuncture will help. the only other things i can take are vitamins -- magnesium and riboflavin -- in addition to my prenatal vitamins. hopefully though the headaches get better and aren't coupled eventually with morning sickness, which would really suck!

it's weird knowing that there's a little person slowly growing inside of me. it's exciting, of course, but also a bit odd. not knowing what will happen with my body, my health, the health of the baby -- all of this adds a nice degree of fear to the happiness. but it's normal to feel this way, as all of my friends have told me much the same thing in the past during their pregnancies.

now onto the due date, which we think is awfully cool -- JANUARY 1ST, 2009! do you think we have a chance of winning the new year's baby thing? =) any way you look at it, i'll either be a new momma or in the delivery room (eek!) for my 30th birthday. dave, you'd better have an early party for me this year!

the happy couple on what we think was that fateful day in thailand. =D

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