Wednesday, July 1, 2009

sitting up! sleeping without a swaddle! such exciting days!

little miss anna jae has been very busy at new things these days! yesterday, all in a few hours, she fell asleep for a nap without a swaddle (woohoo!!!!), and also managed to sit upright, for a long time, without toppling over. it's amazing what these kids can do all at once, isn't it? honestly, the swaddle seemed as though it'd be on forever, but now we're on the track to being without it completely (we're going without it for naps only for now, and eventually we'll do it for night sleeping). she did it again this morning and slept for almost an hour!

and the sitting... well, we've been sitting her up and helping her work on it for a couple of weeks. she was getting better, but still a little topply. but yesterday, i sat her up, and she pushed up straight and STAYED THAT WAY! crazy! she did it for about 40 minutes straight while i cooked dinner yesterday, just watching me and laughing and playing while i looked on from the kitchen. after a while, i went and sat next to her on the ground, and dave came in to find us sitting next to each other. LOL... he cracked up.

what great stuff! i can't get over it. of course i have pics AND video, but i have to download it all. so they'll be coming at a later time.

sorry i haven't been on here in a week+. it's been pretty busy for me around here. but i am back!

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