Monday, September 28, 2009

HUGE recap... hope you're comfy!

i know, i know, i've been very delinquent on here. i'm sorry. i've been trying really hard to get work done on my website, and it's impossible to do a long update on here while i'm doing that.

but, i'm here now, and i promise good things.

well, our little anna jae is now 8.5 months old. where has time gone?!! we are talking about what to do for her first birthday and how to keep our christmas tree safe from her. ha! she's still not crawling, and we don't know if she's going to or if she's just going to go straight to walking. she does try to drag her belly across the floor though, which is funny to watch. and she's still rolling all over the place. and, for better or worse, she's started to pull herself up to standing. i say worse because our little angel threw herself out of her crib last week and landed on the floor. yes, that's right. no signs of pulling herself up at all, but that morning i found her for the second time sitting up in her crib after a nap. so i told dave that we should move down the mattress more that night. and during her nap that afternoon, i hear a loud thump followed closely by a scream. i ran in and found her on the floor. eek! i kept calm until i checked her out -- event though she was screaming, she didn't have a mark on her. i called dave, the pediatrician, and my mom, and then got her calmed down. once she was back to her usual self, i was then free to lose my mind. let's just say that i took anna out for a walk after that just so i could buy some wine for that night. =)

still no teeth for anna jae! but the teething went through another bad stage -- a lot of crying and whining for a couple of weeks. i don't mind that she doesn't have teeth yet, but it would be nice if she didn't teethe then! argh. i feel like i did at the end of my pregnancy. going late wouldn't have been as bad if i didn't go through 4 weeks of false labor!

anna now says da-da. she said it for the first time when we were away in the catskills (update on that weekend to come in my next post, with pics). in fact, since she had to sleep with us the last night we were there, she had to keep on our good side -- so she said "da-da, ma-ma," when she woke us at 5am. we both melted. then she decided she NEEDED to nurse. good moment over.

eating has taken a wonderful turn. she has started doing finger foods, and now happily eats for us! it's so great. she was such a difficult baby to feed, and we could never get her to eat willingly, even foods that she liked. i decided to try puffs with her, since they melt in her mouth and we didn't have to worry about choking. and lo and behold, she loved them! i showed her how to pick them up and she got it right away. now she uses her pincer grip like an old pro! we cut up pieces of strawberry for her to eat (which she loves, but they are so slippery and frustrate her no end!), give her some table food, and she thinks it's the greatest thing ever. and now when we spoon feed her, she's more than happy to eat for us. it's a nice change. feedings were becoming anxiety-inducing events.

we're still working on her napping, but it's getting marginally better. her separation anxiety is still present, but is also getting easier to handle. and she sleeps like a dream at night. she LOVES to talk, and yammers away all day long. she also sings, and can hold a note like nobody's business! we sit around all day babbling and singing to each other. fun times!

coming up on the blog will be the summary of our trip to the catskills, as well as pics so far from her 8th month!

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