Wednesday, April 30, 2008

already shopping for "baby block"

so, we had decided a long time ago that "baby block" (as he/she shall be called for the length of the pregnancy) would be a very stylish baby. dave and i are both designers. and though we don't have a lot of disposable cash, we just know we're going to spoil the child with some very attractive things. "baby block" will be the coolest baby in town! (except for all my friends' kids, of course!)

i always keep an eye out for beautiful stuff. even better when that beautiful stuff comes cheap -- though that's not a usual occurrence.

first off, everyone knows that dave is into bugaboo. yes, the strollers cost a fortune. but they are pretty hot. plus, the bassinet that attaches to the cameleon is so damn cute! we just love that it looks like a proper pram when that's on. so i think we must get it in yellow. yes, yellow. cause yellow makes us happy (and you can only have so much orange).

then there's baby carriers. i think they're pretty necessary here in nyc -- if i want to take the train from where i am in brooklyn, there's no way i'm getting the stroller all the way up the stairs of the elevated F train! but most carriers are pretty unattractive and, from what i hear, not the most comfortable. well, yesterday i found these beautiful carriers on 100 percent cottam from baby hawk. you can design your own, and they come with fabulous fabrics -- even amy butler fabrics! i'd have to get one that's gender neutral -- not just because we won't find out the sex of the baby, but also because i'd like dave to be able to use it happily. i'm thinking an espresso band fabric with the amy butler "apricot wall flower" fabric (shown below).

finally, there's the issue of the crib. i know we're in trouble when we head to the icff in a few weeks -- they always have gorgeous baby furniture that we cannot afford! but it does serve as a good source of inspiration for baby stuff... so far, as an inexpensive-yet-stylish solution, i'm thinking of this crib from walmart. i know, i know, walmart... but it's really cute, inexpensive, and it's 3-way convertible. so it's good for "baby block" up until toddler years. necessary in our apartment situation.

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