Tuesday, November 25, 2008

pediatrician, bugaboo, and all other things baby

so i'm trying my damdest to get things done today, since i wasn't feeling well over the weekend or yesterday (cold). i seem to be succeeding, which is exciting!

first of all, if you guys didn't know, we had a huge issue with our bugaboo cameleon stroller that FINALLY got resolved. basically, the company it was ordered from shipped us our stroller and fabric, or so we thought... the box that was supposed to contain our stroller parts was missing the chassis and wheels. basically, the stroller part of the stroller! after over a month of going back and forth between the company that it was ordered from and bugaboo's nyc headquarters, we finally received the chassis and wheels last week. i had the opportunity to take them out today, do some minor assembly, and try it all out. it's so great to have all of it, and it's so awesome! thanks again barb!

second, i got the opportunity today to call for a pediatric consultation. we're going with dr. cao at park slope pediatrics, who comes very well recommended and is supposed to be wonderful. the consultation is friday, dec. 19th, so i'm hoping that goes well -- it's so close to the due date!

now i'm just getting my thank you notes ready to mail out, washing the baby's clothes and blankets, and trying to just get everything put away in this apartment.

just about 5 weeks now kids! scary!

1 comment:

jodi said...

So much to do, so little time - but you seem to be as on top of it as you can be!