Friday, October 23, 2009

she's crawling!!!

my goodness i've been delinquent here.

well, we have news! anna is officially crawling! as of 4:30 today, she gave up her rolling/wounded soldier (for the most part anyway), and is now full-on crawling. this is exciting because honestly, we didn't think she would do it. she was so good at getting around with her fabulous rolling (the floor show as i like to call it) and her belly pull (she looks like a wounded soldier in battle) that we thought she'd go right from here to walking. but no, she surprised us again. yay! go anna!

with the new found skill came new found confidence, and she's already taken to being much more destructive than before. but destructive for anna is still pretty ok -- she's more into examining things than breaking them, so we're ok there.

on other fronts, we've had two new babies join the world this week! ava lin quinby was born to jen and carter on sunday -- two weeks ahead of schedule and still 8 POUNDS! -- and little spenser everett vinjamuri was born to michelle and david very early monday morning. we're so excited! spenser is sure to be anna's dance partner in the future, so this is a big thing for her. =)

i have had a very migraine-ridden, busy week. i've been trying to get a lot of work done, and my new site launched two weeks ago, so i've been on a promo-ride since then. nana is in town this weekend to see us and celebrate dave's bday, so we will have a busy weekend. but we have lots to tell, and will be back on here asap.

love you all!!

1 comment:

jodi said...

No way, crawling!!?? Congratulations and good luck to ya ;)