Thursday, October 8, 2009

she's turned over a new leaf... yet again...

hey hey! i'm here as a much relieved woman, with my site redesign finished ( and a baby who has been in the BEST mood for the past few days and... wait for it... ACTUALLY SLEEPING FOR NAPS!!

yes, yes, it's crazy but true. she's finally sleeping for her naps. it took some time, but i figured out the schedule she wants (at least until she switches it up again). most babies at her age need a morning nap and then a nap 3 hours later after lunch. well, i was trying that, and it didn't work. anna would just get super cranky until lunch, then fall asleep while nursing, and then if i put her down she was up in 20 minutes. then she wouldn't nap for the rest of the day, but was the crankiest angriest child!

no, anna jae needs TWO morning naps. two. she wakes around 6/6:30 for bath and daddy time, then nurses and goes back down by 8. she sleeps for an unbelievable 1.5-2 hours. then she gets up (in a great mood mind you), nurses, eats some fruit, and plays. by 11 or 11:15, she needs to be down again (basically no more than 1.5 hours from her wake time). she goes down without complaint, falls asleep by 11:30 the latest, and has been sleeping for another 1.5-2 hours. she's up by 1 or so and is up for the rest of the day.

the one thing she needs in the afternoon is mommy cuddle time. this is also pretty new for anna. i've realized that at her 3:30/4pm nursing, she gets all comfy and wants to fall asleep. sometimes she'll sleep while nursing, sometimes she stays up but wants to stay in my arms. so we cuddle up on the couch until 5pm. sometimes she stays awake, most of the time she gets in a cat nap of about 30 min. but it's a really nice time of day for both of us. no matter how much work i've had over the past couple weeks, i know that i have an anna date at 4pm. and we just snuggle together and enjoy the moment. it's awesome. i hope this keeps up just as much as i hope the naps keep up. =)

anna jae seems like she's over a bit of her stranger anxiety too, which she developed in her 8th month. instead of staring at people like she's skeptical of their prescence and clinging to me with a death grip, the past few days have shown her to be smiling and giggling at people she meets. it's nice to have miss social back.

ok, i'm off to do more work. i know the pics are late. they're coming, i promise!

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