Friday, January 9, 2009

post-dates testing today

so i got back about an hour ago from my post-dates testing. it seemed to take forever... they were about an hour late getting to me, and then the baby wasn't being cooperative. seems like this kid really likes to sleep whenever i'm at the hospital, which sucks because i, and eventually the baby, get poked and prodded until they're reassured that the kid is ok.

i got hooked up to the fetal monitor and the baby was sleeping, and then she woke up a bit, only to fall asleep again. in the end, i guess she must be ok, because they let me go home, which wouldn't have happened if the doctor on staff there didn't say it was alright. but i didn't feel especially reassured. since last week's L&D episode where they had to give me another IV to wake the baby up and make sure she was alright, and then today -- i'm starting to worry. i mean, of course i feel the baby move, and she's most active at night when dave is home and he can be entertained. and i also know that babies of this age, in utero, act like newborns and go through sleep cycles. that being said, it still scares me. the technician was wonderful and told me that my printout looked alright, but she had also said in the beginning of the testing that well babies both sleep and are awake, whereas sick babies sleep more than they are awake. and so now i'm worried about her.

on the good side, there's still plenty of fluid in there, which is good, and the placenta is still fine, which is also good. the baby also reacted when she needed to, when i would eat something, drink juice, or we would prod her. so in the end, i guess those are good signs.

the technician, who seemingly runs this department of the imaging center there, wants me back in on monday morning before my midwife appt. to re-run the tests. she figures this will be the best way to let my midwife know the most up-to-date status of the baby for more info on induction. but any way you look at it, if i don't go on my own by then, i'll have to be induced by next thursday the latest.

to everyone that has tried to call recently that i haven't gotten to speak to -- i'm sorry for that. i've just been so out of it and haven't gotten to call everyone back again. i hope this blog is keeping you all updated enough.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole, Aunt Roe here. Been keeping up-to-date on your progress thru the blog & speaking to mom. Baby Block will come when baby &/or the dr. is ready. Hang in there.
I thought I had a chance to win the "baby block pool" that your dad is running - I had 1/01/09 (a good date) & 1/09/09 which I thought was late, but not too late. I guess I'm wrong, but still, maybe a chance. Mommy Block start "exercising" so we can welcome the new one. If I won (or win), the proceeds were (or are) baby block's.
I can only imagine how you feel, but think, when baby block arrives, it will be worth the wait.
Love, Aunt Roe

Tiffany & John said...

OMG nicole, I am so sorry you are still with out baby block here, I cant believe you have not had that baby yet.. I would would be at the hospital every day until the doctors/mid-wife induced me. I cant imagine going 2 weeks or more past my due date, how uncomfortable.. You are doing great it sounds like, and you do look Wonderful so go take a tea spoon of of that oil stuff you know the thick yucky tasting stuff, sit in a warm bath maybe baby block will let you relax enough to go into labor.. i am praying for you ...Love Tiffany

jodi said...

Thinking of ya =)

Anonymous said...

Dear Nic and Dave,
I check the blog every day to see how you're getting along. I know it seems like the pregnancy will never end but it will soon enough and we will have a wonderful baby block. Thinking about you.
Love, Joan

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole!!

I catch up on your progress here and am thinking of you :o) I hope your lack of posts means baby Block is finally here~
