Thursday, May 21, 2009

18 weeks -- and her first design shows

oh goodness. little miss anna jae made a splash this past weekend. we took her with us to the ICFF (international contemporary furniture fair) on sunday, accompanied by her aunt loren, and she and i went solo at the NSS (the national stationery show) on tuesday. she was the absolute star of both shows! and i'm not just saying that because i'm her mother. this kid entertained all the strangers that she met, laughing and smiling and flirting with them. she had a blast -- though of course there were the crank-fits where we had to run out of the exhibit areas to feed her and quiet her down, but no one had to deal with that but us. =) in fact, i got very little done at the stationery show this year, because everyone just wanted to talk about anna. that's my girl!

the other star of the stationery show was anna's babyhawk. so i will put it out there again -- this carrier rocks! it's really very comfy, anna likes it, and it looks really cute.

as far as new things go... well, the sleep schedule is at a pretty solid bed at 9:30-10, wake at 7am. there was a constant waking at 5am that required one of us to go in, give her a pacifier, and shush her back to sleep. but that has ceased in the past couple of days, and she's just going straight through. fabulous!

her eating has gotten better -- and by better, i mean faster. she takes a half hour most times these days. which is really fast for anna. LOL... she likes to savor her food i guess.

the only problem we're having is a bit of a mama-attachment. she developed it last week, very suddenly, not wanting to be with her daddy for her pre-bedtime feeding and screaming for me. thankfully that only lasted 2 nights, because it made dave upset and made me even more exhausted. but anna is still having issues not being in my arms. she gave her grandma a lot of trouble on monday going down for a nap, constantly looking for me. eventually she went to sleep for her, but it took a lot of work and willpower on my mom's part to put up with the screaming. i hope we can break her of this phase quickly, because it's very wearing on me, and not very easy for others to deal with.

i know i owe photos -- and i will be downloading them later today or tomorrow. =)

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