Wednesday, May 13, 2009

4 months old, vaccines, and screaming it out

anna jae is 4 months old today!!! as i write this, she is screaming in her room. i'm trying to let her cry it out. she has a nasty, ear-piercing, i-think-my-eardrum-may-burst scream that comes out when she's cranky or just wants something really bad, and we would like to break her of it. so i'm letting her cry it out in her room right now, since she's uber-cranky and has taken to the scream.

she had her 4 month checkup today. she did really well. she's 13lbs, 2 oz, putting her at the 50th percentile in weight gain, and 25.25 inches long, putting her at the 75th percentile there. the only thing that's behind is her head circumference, at a mere 10th percentile. LOL... she has a tiny head!

she got half of her second round of vaccines -- next week we have to go for the rest -- and she did surprisingly well. i breastfed her while she was getting the shots, and she cried much much less. she even laughed on the way out the door, so that was a plus! so, for those who nurse or who will nurse their kids, i leave you with that example on how to handle the vaccines. it really does help a lot.

ok, i'm going to go to the bathroom, and then pick this poor kid up. she's been crying for a long time now. boy, can she keep going!


Lee said...

Lucy was always the 95th percentile in head measurement -- LOL! Anna has a tiny head!!

Nicole Block said...

ha! i KNOW!! i think she gets it from her daddy. dave has a small head circumference as well. this is easily evidenced by the fact that my hats are larger than his. LOL

Torr(= said...

i cant believe she is 4 months already !! cant wait to see the new pics.. all the ones we hung on steve's fridge are starting to wear - we need new ones!! give kisses for me =)