Thursday, August 13, 2009

happy 7 months to our miss anna jae!!

yes, she's 7 months old today. where the HELL is the time going? i'm starting to lose track. we're already talking about her 1st birthday celebration --- whaaaaa????

anna jae is doing great. she really really is. yes, the separation anxiety is still there, and in some ways worse than ever... when we're alone, i really have to battle her to put her down anywhere. she doesn't want to leave me to go down for a nap, to play on the floor, to jump in her jumper. it's rough. and when we're with others, it can swing either way -- she might be great and go right to whomever else is there, or she might cry and need to stay with me. it's a crapshoot at this point. but... she's sleeping way better, with barely any wakes at all anymore. the night light seemed to really do the trick -- the one i originally put in there for her started to fade (batteries were dying), and that night she had a really tough time sleeping. so we bought her a new nightlight the next day, and the problem was licked. yay! mommy and daddy are actually sleeping again.

anna loves her daddy more than ever! she screams and squeals and laughs the minute she sees him. she's even started to look at the door in the evening, expecting him to come through it. while her excitement definitely provides an extra problem in putting her to bed at night, it's also so sweet to see. of course, dave can't get enough of it.

she cracks me up every day. she plays games with me now, and starts to laugh before the end if she knows what's coming. she's realized that i was tricking her to laugh while she ate, and now just smiles at me with her mouth closed if she doesn't want her food. she locks up and won't let me past those lips! too smart for her own good i think... anna also talks to herself all the time now, and is starting to become rather expressive with her conversations. almost as though she's mimicking adult talk. it's really funny to watch.

the eating is going better. we're doing fruit in the morning, veggies or veggies and fruit in the afternoon, and rice cereal in the evening. i'm going to start adding in a veggie or fruit in with the rice cereal at night soon. i'm also going to start making my own food for her now! starting tomorrow, i'm going to begin our baby purees. it's easy, and i am looking forward to it. i'm hoping that it will help to expand what she's willing to eat too. she's not the easiest to feed all the time.

the next thing we have to start doing is getting the swaddle addict out of her swaddle. it begins this weekend. hopefully it goes better than our attempts have in the past. wish us luck!

pics will be posted this weekend. i know i owe everyone TONS of photos.


jodi said...

No photo accompanying your adorable update?? =) Give that little Anna a big ol' smacker of a kiss from Auntie Jodi (and cousin Sofia!) !!!

jodi said...

Ah, just read the last line about the pictures. Ok, forgiven!