Thursday, August 27, 2009

update time! anna jae at 7.5 months

yes, our girl gets bigger and bigger every day. i honestly can't get over it. dave and i are talking about her first birthday already -- can you believe that? geez... i wish i could stop time just for a little while. i'm really loving her 7th month of life.

anna is just so incredibly smart. she really looks at things, analyzes them, takes them apart or figures out how to take things off. she can spend an hour just on the floor, sitting or laying there with a toy, an empty water bottle, or a catalog to rip up, and study them. she figured out immediately when we would purposely make her laugh to stick the spoon of food in her mouth, and began to just smile with her mouth closed when she doesn't want it. i played patty-cake with her twice in a row, and she figured out when the tickling part would come, so she starts to laugh at "one-slice, two-slice". it's just so amazing to watch her in action.

as i always love to tell people, anna's funny. she's so funny. she'll sit there and laugh at you just to get you to laugh. she makes funny faces and noises and entertains you. she will play peek-a-boo with you if you give her a cloth to put over her face. she's got a great sense of humor and keeps me smiling (at least for most of the day).

she is not as active as she used to be. she'll jump in her jumper and sit on the floor and play, but she's become a lot more cautious. anna was trying to crawl for a bit, but kept face-planting on the rug. so now, she's started to simply lower herself to the floor from a seated position, and then roll over to what she wants, since she's been a master roller from 3 months old. she's also not pulling herself up on objects, only when someone gives her their hands for her to pull from. she's become a bit of a girly-girl in that way. however, if we put her by an ottoman or the side of a couch, she'll stand there while holding on. i think she just likes to feel safe.

most of anna's energy seems to be going into chattering and yelling! she loves to talk to herself, is imitating adult speech patterns (though everything is in "ba-ba-ba" with a "mama" thrown in here and there), and yells at the top of her lungs for fun. she's actually quite loud. everyone says she gets that from me... i'm starting to get insulted. =)

eating is going better. anna jae didn't start out as the best solids eater in the world. she has texture issues galore. and she's very dramatic when she doesn't like something -- gagging and throwing a fit. but... she's definitely getting better. her foods have caused some constipation issues, but we're fixing that by incorporating LOTS of prunes.

separation anxiety is still an issue, but we're working hard on it. i make her sit by herself during the day as often as i can, assuring her from afar that i'm there and that she's ok. it's helping her cope. putting her to bed at night or down for a nap always brings on a crying fit, but if we just say goodnight and leave the room, that seems to keep it short -- if we stay and try to soothe her it actually makes it worse and lasts longer. it's sad, because she hangs onto our hands and clothes and doesn't want us to leave, but when we stay, she keeps looking up to make sure we're there. so she never goes to sleep. if we kiss her goodnight and leave, she only cries for about 5 minutes and then konks out.

all in all, the 7th month is my favorite so far. i love that anna jae can play games, give kisses and hugs, is learning to wave, laughs and giggles and entertains all of us. i love that she can sleep well at night by herself, and that she talks as much as possible. i love that she looks for her daddy when i mention him, even if he's not there. i love everything about this girl. she's the coolest chick ever.

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