Tuesday, January 27, 2009

anna's 2 week birthday!

happy 2 weeks to my precious little girl! yay! honestly, 2 weeks seems like a long time to have her. i feel like she's still not really ours to keep.

check out the new pics below from this past weekend. =D

aunt olivia.

uncle noah.

daddy time.

she thinks she's just so cute.

aunt helene.

uncle howie.

her favorite place to sleep -- on mommy.

i had to have a photo of her in this... swaddled up like a baby burrito, and with such a face on!


monica said...

LOVE the baby burrito! she's adorable nic! and you look fab too!! :)

Meredith said...

Belated happy 2-week birthday, munchkin!

Unknown said...

She thinks she's so cute because SHE IS!

Happy 2 week birthday!

jodi said...

I love the Daddy time pic, the sleeping all cute-like pic and the baby burrito!! Happy 2-week anniversary little Anna!!

p.s. as I opened up this page and starting looking at the pics, Double started kicking...think he/she was saying hi to Cousin/Playmate/Girlfriend Anna! =)

Nicole Block said...

hi double!!!!