Thursday, June 5, 2008

gotta love the green

i had posted before about homemade house cleaners. things you can use that don't involve chemicals, but that clean just as well. instead of trying to come up with a concoction, i went straight to the source: baking soda.

baking soda alone works as a great scouring powder. it cuts through grime, grease, stains, etc., and cleans all the way down. plus, it's 100% safe to anyone -- edible, odorless, chemical free, it won't harm a bug let alone a person.

well, let me tell you, it's also super easy and fast to clean with! i've used it twice now, and both times i've been absolutely amazed with how great it is. wayyyyy better than the tilex spray i was using before. it's best in the bathroom. make sure your shower/tub is wet, and sprinkle onto your sponge. if your tub is extra dirty (as mine always is, because 1. there's rust in the water and 2. the drain catch slows down the flow of the dirt), sprinkle the baking soda directly on the surface. wait a minute for it to absorb into the water/dirt, and then begin to wipe. it will take the grime RIGHT OFF. it's amazing! no scrubbing necessary -- though you can use the scrub side of a sponge if you want some extra help.

i use it on the tub, tiles, shelf, and sink. i also use it in the kitchen sink.

the only thing is, the baking soda has a tendency to leave behind some residue and grit. so, you are best off if you have a hand-held shower head to use, so that you can spray the surfaces directly and really get the baking soda off.

the best part? absolutely no odor, or fumes to make your eyes hurt. it's great for any human, and i especially love it now that i'm pregnant. also, you just use the baking soda and a sponge -- no plastic waste from spray bottles or metal cans. just some cardboard when the box is finished, which is 100% recyclable.

here's another great article on the many uses for baking soda from shelterrific.

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