Sunday, June 15, 2008

One family down...

one to go!

we told my side of the family yesterday evening, at dinner for my grandma/dads in the family for father's day. dave and i had decided ahead of time that we would make a two-parter toast... one for grandma's birthday, given by me, and one for the dads for father's day, given by dave. he ended his part of the toast with, "i hope to be as successful as you were, since nicole and i will officially be part of the parenthood club this new year's."

wow, did we get a big reaction! everyone yelled, i was told several times that i looked pregnant (i didn't know how to take that one!). everyone got up to give us hugs and kisses and congrats. my brother ordered champagne for the table (and ginger ale for me), and gave a nice toast. it was a big scene -- thankfully the restaurant was pretty empty, otherwise we would have really disturbed the diners!! i'm not complaining -- it was the reaction that something like this deserves. and it was awesome.

dave even got a nice little gift -- i had told my mom earlier (i felt like she deserved to know before everyone else), so she had gotten dave a daddy-to-be card for father's day, and tim russert's book on fatherhood. it was a really great, heart-warming night.

a note: don't expect older generations to understand your "green" intentions as a parent. when asking about diapers, i explained to my aunt that i had researched diaper options and that i preferred the idea of gDiapers. i described them to her and how they work. she said, "well, what about huggies or pampers? what's wrong with those?" i said that i didn't like the idea of them sitting in a landfill for 500 years. this got a HUGE laugh from that side of the table (my parents, grandma, and aunt and uncle). they didn't understand why that should matter to us... we also got teased about the idea of organic baby food by my dad, who asked if our baby will eat only soybeans.

it makes me laugh... i understand that our points of view are very different. disposable diapers were a lifesaver years ago, and i understand that -- i don't want to use cloth diapers any more than they did. but having another option that's just as easy, but doesn't hurt our environment makes more sense to us than to them... and i'm sure our kids will come up with something that we won't get the point of years from now. such is the circle of life! i'm just gearing up to have to explain ourselves over and over again. LOL...

love you guys! so glad you're so happy! you made our night.

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