Friday, September 12, 2008

POLL: is baby block a boy or a girl?

i was online with my friend jothan the other day, telling him that dave and i have both kind of decided that baby block is a girl. not because i'm having any dreams of the sex of the baby, and not because i feel anything particularly strong in either direction. just that if we had to guess, both of us would guess girl.

jothan agrees... actually, he said that i'm such a strong woman, that could only mean that i'm going to have a girl or a really effeminate boy! ha! i said that while dave and i would welcome any type of boy or girl in our family, i would guess that our boy would be just as much of a guy's guy as his dad. LOL... but i digress. jothan, after letting me know that he too thinks it's a girl, suggested that i do a poll on the blog and ask everyone else what they think.

so, here it is! friends and family -- what do you think? baby boy block, or baby girl block? let us know!


Anonymous said...

Well I'm going to side with the Chinese gender chart and I think your gonna have a little girl.. Maybe one day baby block and baby juhan will have a summer romance

Meredith said...

I'm also guessing girl. I don't know why, but I feel like you are having a girl.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure it's a girl.

Anonymous said...

I say it's a girl! Love, Aunt Roe

Anonymous said...

OK - Nic and Dave..

You know me. I have to be contrary!!!
I think you're having a boy. In the future you can tell him "everyone but Aunt Susan thought you were having a girl".

You're glowing and beautiful. They say girls take away your beauty and boys add to it.....

I love you. Love Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic:

I am guessing boy but only because you are carrying so teeny. Honestly healthy and beautiful just like you is all I wish! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I think you already all that I am in the girl club.

Tiffany & John said...

Hi Nicole and Dave, I would have to agree with your Aunt Susan, I belewave that little girls suck all the beaty out of you and Your Aunt says you are glowing like crazy so my guess is a baby boy.. Alyhough if baby block is a girl, I have a tun of Katelyn's clothes if you like hand me downs?? so let me know. Miss you and Love you Guys
Love Tiffany

Tiffany & John said...

Nicole sorry I am so sleppy I ment I believe and Beauty

Anonymous said...

I'm also thinking girl, especially since that's what you're thinking. Moms usually have pretty good instincts about their own kids. =)

Unknown said...

I think it's a boy.

You should do a baby pool here: We did, and it was a lot of fun.