Wednesday, August 27, 2008

edit: feeling kicks FOR SURE!!!

yep, it's official. this baby is kickin'. not just moving, not just pinching my sides the way he/she was before (though that still happens). baby block is really kicking.

i feel it right in the middle of my belly. and you can actually feel it from the outside. it's not very regular yet, but it's there. she kicked my hand right off my belly last night, and even daddy got lucky enough to get a feel (yay!). i've been feeling baby block pretty constantly since yesterday, and she's even active this morning (unlike her). maybe she likes coffee. =)

this is a great new stage.

i also realized i'm only 4 weeks away from the 3rd trimester. wow. this pregnancy is going fast. (good thing too... i love feeling the baby, but otherwise i'm not sure pregnancy is for me. LOL)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole! Aunt Roe here. I've been tracking your pregnancy via this blog (what a great idea) since I don't get to see you often enough. Had dinner with Grandma Maria (ladies night out) last night & she brought us all up-to-date on your progress as well. It sounds like everything is on target. Believe it or not, but I had the same feelings & concerns you mention way back (31 years ago) when I was carrying Eddie. You see, these things don't change very much, just the technology. I am so excited for you & Dave. The little one is so cute (what I can see of him/her). The final product will be a beauty. Lots of Love, Aunt Roe (P.S. - Eddie sends his love & congrats as well)