Wednesday, May 28, 2008

panic moments... where to fit baby block?

so, um, i know it's a little early to panic about where to put the baby... i have about 31 weeks left to figure it out. but since we painted this weekend, i have the entire equipment contents of my office on my dining table, and i don't want to move them back into the office. why? because we need baby space in there, and i'm trying to figure out what options we have. and there aren't many!!!

my office is small. about 11x15 or so. now, i'm insistent on keeping my office in there. call me selfish, but it took me forever to get my own space. even if i have to share that space with my child, that's a minor detail. baby block won't need much room -- he/she won't know anything beyond the crib for a couple of years. so i know i can make it work. the only thing is, the arrangement of the room is really difficult to work with. there is an air-conditioner on one end, and a heater on the perpendicular far corner. there are also TWO doors in the space to contend with, as well as a closet. can we say, impossible to arrange???

after doing some measuring, i'm realizing that there isn't really enough room on one wall to fit any more than the crib. i have to put a dresser/changing table somewhere... i'm looking at combo units, either with the dresser or with the crib, but those are hard to fit as well.

what's an expectant mommy to do? panic, i guess, is the answer.

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