Thursday, May 29, 2008

steps towards reorganizing...

a view of one of the difficult areas of the room, where all my office stuff will have to fit. we're putting up the last cabinet this weekend.

so, in doing more measuring and rethinking the office/baby space, i've come up with a few possible solutions to the problem.

first, while i don't want to give up my office space, i think i will have to sacrifice my big desk. i have a very long desk, about 71" long, which is wonderful for all my equipment. however, i need to put all my office stuff on one side of the room in order to fit the baby furniture on the other side. and, of course, the desk will be impeded by the heater on that wall.

so... i need a desk no wider than 49" long. eek! i found one on that i think will work well though. it's a trestle desk in white, with shelves on one trestle side, so that i can stick my scanner down there and get it off the main desk surface. that helps a lot!

area where new desk will have to fit... there's not much room in between the butcher block and the heater. grrr.... please ignore the missing cabinet. it'll go up this weekend.

trestle desk option that will fit well into the space.

then there's the crib/dresser/changing table problems. i think that in order to get the most storage space out of the room, my best bet is to get a crib/changer combo piece. most come in at 71" long, the same length of my desk that is currently on that wall, so that will work out just fine. and i can place it so that the changer is the part closest to the window/air conditioner, so that the baby is away from the draft and dangerous grabbable/climable curtains.

current wall where my desk is... this will become the crib/changer wall.

the below crib is the type that i'm talking about... it's the daphne crib by AFG, found at i like it a lot, and prefer it in the white, with similarly clean lines. guess i have a lot of shopping to do!

now i have to figure out the dresser options... as you can see below, the wall where i will put the dresser is a difficult one, to say the least. there is a closet, which we took the door off of to give us more space. we'll cover that with curtains. then there's a door to the kitchen! annoying... we'll have to use it as a dead door, and put the dresser up against it. right now the office is disheveled to say the least, with an old metal stand there holding books and paper goods. all of that will be moved out to the "library" bookshelves, as soon as we buy them.

i was thinking that a taller dresser would work best. we'll need a lot of storage for baby block since the closet will have to be shared between him/her and some house stuff. which is why i think a changer/dresser won't work. they're too low and don't have enough drawers.

i always liked the hemnes chest of drawers from ikea. it's sturdy, the drawers move well, and it's a great deal! we can get it in white too, which is wonderful for the room.

ok, so that's all for now. i'm sure i'll change my mind 50,000 more times before we register... but we'll figure it out. =)

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